Sunday, 25 March 2012

Why we started this blog.

At our local anti-cuts group meeting last week, the subject on the NHS came up on the agenda. Many local activists expressed their horror at the ConDems plans, but when it came to the question of what can we actually do about it, a silence fell. Then came the suggestion of building a campaign, calling on the TUC to call and build for a national demo in defence of the health service.

So we agreed, to send out this motion to every trade union branch, trades council, anti-cuts campaign, patient support group and community organisation we could, asking them to pass it and send it in to the Trade Union Congress headquarters.

As a young health worker, what has angered me as much as the government’s plans to break up and privatise the NHS has been the hang ringing attitude of the union leaders. The NHS wasn't benevolently gifted us, it was a service that we had to fight for. Now is not the time for eulogising it, now is the time for the TUC which unites unions representing 6.5million workers, to take action, to call and build for a massive national demonstration as a step towards building a campaign to force the government to back down.


  1. why 2nd June? i appreciate the urgency but given that it takes unions a really long time to do anything i think 5th July (foundation of NHS) would be more realistic?

    1. Yes. You make a good point. At the meeting, we thought 1st June was foundation of NHS, and 2nd June was nearest Saturday.

  2. Yeah, it is a good point- have changed the date on the motion to 30th june, which is the Saturday before NHS day. Will inform branches who have already passed it of the revised date.

  3. suggest you also promote this
